Hello world! First Sunday in October

Oh my.  This has been a productive weekend.  Welcome to Sunday, and a new page.  Thanks to a little ram named Ramblin’ Bawb and his family of friends, I too am off exploring new horizons.  There will be a big learning curve here but that means there will be adventures to share.

My mom used to say when the cat’s away, the mice play.  Well, when the BF is out of town, I get to be BEE and be busy. 

This weekend I’ve been making yarn and dyeing. I am a new spinner and have a brand new Lendrum DT.  

Good Omen - The Spider that came with the Wheel

Good Omen - The Spider that came with the Wheel

My goal is to learn to spin consistently enough so that I am confident enough to get a Spring 2010 Spinner’s share from MV Fiberfarm instead of yarn.    I’ve been practicing with merinos and I think I finally have enough plied wool to plan a project.  It is so yummy soft and natural but I don’t think for long! 

This weekend I finally put the skills I learned at ProChem last spring to the test.  I made up 1% solutions of primary red, blue and yellow as well as fuschia, turquoise and black.  Whew!  Talk about a learning curve.  I failed math in high school but mastered moving decimal points this weekend!  I am now an avid fan of the metric system – made much easier by using metric measuring equipment.  I’m sample dyeing eight skeins, so I’ll have some secondary colors too.

This experiment has shed MUCH light on mixing color.   There’s a rainbow drying in the kitchen.  It is a sunny Sunday here in Brooklyn.

3 Responses to “Hello world! First Sunday in October”

  1. Adelaide Says:

    Hi, Bee! I’m impressed that you have become a blogger. I’m going to follow you daily, so please post a lot. I sometimes think I might like a blog, but I don’t even up-date my facebook page regularly. I think I’d be a failure as a blogger. But who know, you might inspire me.

  2. lisa Says:

    Hi! Welcom to the Blog world! One more thing to feel guilty about if you don’t post!! I am so with you on the metric system, my dad said if you want to go metric make football and horse racetracks metric and the country will be converted in a weekend!

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